Sansar Creators Tips Wiki

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For help with how to edit this wiki, please check out the Help page.

It is not our aim to moderate unless any content which violates Intellectual Property Rights or is deemed to be inappropriate for a PG-13 audience.

Please create links and posts as you wish and hopefully the collaborative community we already have can expand to this wiki and we can all be able to easily access the information we need to make better content.

This wiki is not officially authorized by or affiliated to Sansar, or the company Linden Lab. All image and post copyright remains with the content creator. Posters are requested to give credit and ensure permission has been obtained for all material not owned by the page author posted on this wiki.

All text found on this website unless otherwise stated is owned by the person who posted it. Please do not reproduce any of this original material without first asking permission.

If there is any content on the this wiki that you feel is questionable due to copyright, please feel free to contact Idrid via discord or Sansar.
